Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Making the leap

Welcome friends! I have decided to leap head-first into the blogosphere. A year ago I would have laughed at the suggestion that I would become a blogger. But I am a different man than I was a year ago, in more ways than just age. I am sure my blogging will be a work-in-progress, as I search for my voice. As a good friend of mine said, "Blogging is not about finding an ear; it's about finding a voice." Therefore, by establishing this blog, I intend to say what's on my mind and in my heart. I am 42 years old and an aspiring Texan. Glad to have ya'll along!

1 comment:

joe.peebles said...

Welcome to the b'sphere! I'm looking forward to seeing what rushes up and explodes from this particular corner of the internets.

You know, some of the best Texans started out Tenneseeans: Davy Crockett, Ernie Ford, Elvis Presley, and possibly even Hakeem Olajuwon. As far as I know, we're willing to take anyone who is willing to believe wholeheartedly that Texas is the biggest state in the union. In every way.

Sorry that my comment is maybe longer than your original post.